Project and task monitoring: a new set of tools for monitoring project teams in Kickidler →


Star Favorites

The cunning programmer, or the story of how a “freelancer” was caught

25 february 2019

reading time 6 minutes

Client case No. 11. The cunning programmer, or the story of how a “freelancer” was caught
How the insider who was stealing the client base was found.

25 december 2018

reading time 10 minutes

Real case. How the insider who was stealing the client base was found.
Recording of employees' activity and playback of history on the computer. What is this function necessary for?

22 november 2018

reading time 5 minutes

Recording of employees' activity and playback of history on the computer. What is this function necessary for?
What's new in Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software? November, 2018

14 november 2018

reading time 5 minutes

What's new in Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software? November, 2018
Leaking information to competitors and other sins of employees. How to tackle them with the help of Kickidler program

27 september 2018

reading time 5 minutes

Leaking information to competitors and other sins of employees. How to tackle them with the help of Kickidler program
Dynamics of Employee Activity: what is it and why is it important for the leader to monitor it

19 september 2018

reading time 5 minutes

Dynamics of Employee Activity: what is it and why is it important for the leader to monitor it
What To Do If Employees Don't Carry Out Your Instructions?

11 september 2018

reading time 5 minutes

What To Do If Employees Don't Carry Out Your Instructions?
Control of school computer lessons using monitoring program Kickidler

07 september 2018

reading time 5 minutes

Control of school computer lessons using monitoring program Kickidler
How to covertly monitor the employees using the Kickidler employee tracking program?

05 september 2018

reading time 10 minutes

How to covertly monitor the employees using the Kickidler employee tracking program?
FinancesOnline directory acknowledged Kickidler employee monitoring software with Great User Experience and Rising Star awards

24 august 2018

reading time 5 minutes

FinancesOnline directory acknowledged Kickidler employee monitoring software with Great User Experience and Rising Star awards
Some nonstandard ways to use Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software

15 august 2018

reading time 5 minutes

Some nonstandard ways to use Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software
What is there new in Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software? August 2018

10 august 2018

reading time 5 minutes

What is there new in Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software? August 2018