v10.00 (build: Dec 11 2023)

Reports generator - Parameters

Reports generator is intended for automatic reports generation on schedule without user's involvement.

The most important options in this tab:

Periodicity and time for reports generation
If periodicity is identified as Mon-Sun, Mon-Fri or Mon-Sat the reports will be generated within selected range. Timing amount in the report will equal to one day respectively.
If periodicity as "every Mon", "every Tue" is specified then the report will be generated once a week in the selected day. So the timing amount will equal to one week in the report respectively.
Attention! The day when the report is generated is not included into the report itself!
The weekly report file will be in several time bigger then the file with the day report!

Attention! Each manager is capable to enable or disable reports generator on his or her own in the personal cabinet.
Database administrator can forbid or allow certain manager to use automatic report generation in the managers' Basic rights.

See also "Work schedule" tab.