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Kickidler DLP: Windows, MacOS, Linux client comparison

To make matters easier for you, we’ve decided to compile a comprehensive comparison table containing a full list of all technical capabilities of Kickidler’s DLP suite. With its help, you’ll be able to get a clear understating of whether certain features of our product are available for your particular operating system.

Feature comparison of Kickidler DLP’s Windows, MacOS, Linux clients

Technical capabilities / Client feature availability Windows Linux MacOs
Online monitoring
Screen monitoring
Capturing single live screenshots or as a video feed. Option to save to a video file.
yes yes yes
Webcam monitoring
Capturing single live screenshots or as a video feed. Option to save to a video file.
yes yes yes
Audio and microphone monitoring
Monitoring of microphones and audio. Option to save to an audio file.
yes no no
Voice to text conversion.
Real-time employee speech recognition with the option to save the conversation to a text file.
Native offline speech-to-text conversion engine (in addition to Google’s existing online one).
yes no no
List of processes and windows
Provides a list of active processes and open windows of the user.
yes yes yes
Pause monitoring
Monitoring can always be paused and unpaused.
yes yes yes
Suspicious activity response
Notification of important user events in tray and browser window with sound.
Option to receive SMS, e-mail, Telegram notifications.
* Linux only includes “Running forbidden Linux command” and “Possible client deletion” events
** MacOS only includes “Possible client deletion” event
yes yes yes
Ability to send instant messages to users.
yes yes yes
Sending and locking messages yes no no
Search in files
Instant search for words, phrases, and regular expressions in files on client machines.
yes no no
Keyboard and mouse locking yes no no
Executing a range of administrative functions online.
yes yes yes
Admin-functions (computer)-“Restart” yes yes yes
Admin-functions (computer)-“Shut down” yes yes yes
Admin-functions (computer)-“Execute command” yes yes yes
Admin-functions (computer)-“Delete local database” yes yes yes
Admin-functions (computer)-“ Cancel transfer of pending data” yes no no
Admin-functions (user)-“End session” yes yes yes
Admin-functions (user)-“Disconnect terminal session” yes yes yes
Admin-functions (user)-“Lock” yes no no
Admin-functions (user)-“Start” yes no no
Monitoring reports
Analytics Report Group
Powerful multifunctional analytical tool for HR analytics.
yes yes yes
“Black Box”
Continuous recording of video from screen and audio from microphone/speakers with encrypted storage on employee machines for subsequent detailed analysis in the event of an incident investigation.
yes no no
Facial Recognition
Ability to analyze employee faces from webcams on a periodic basis for matches with other employees. The report is useful for analyzing the employee’s presence or the fact of their substitution by someone else. An offline engine of our own development based on a neural network is used.
yes no no
Risk and performance analyzer
Customizable profile and dictionary-based analyzer shows effective, ineffective, or potentially dangerous employee activity.
yes yes yes
Global Search
Search by tags, keylogger words, window title, applications, and websites across the entire database for all employees with quick navigation to the screenshots of the found time interval by employee.
yes yes yes
Search by templates
Multiple search criteria, based on which it is possible to create customized templates.
yes yes yes
Category and Rejection Report
Summary report that shows statistics by resources used, categories and deviations from average employee values.
yes yes yes
Summary Report
Easy-to-use summary report on an individual employee in the form of clickable pie charts, which can be used to deeply analyze a person's performance.
yes yes yes
Summary Simplified Report
Summary report on an employee in a table format with the ability to export to Excel.
yes yes yes
Activity feed
Graphic report that allows you to evaluate what the user has been doing at what time intervals, with what and to what extent.
yes yes yes
Activity comparison
Textual representation of the “Activity feed” report with an easy-to-use interface for comparing indicators.
yes yes yes
Keystroke dynamics
Provides an assessment of an employee's status at the workplace and with some degree of certainty determine the possibility of another employee working in their place.
yes no no
Machine time
Provides an indication of how long employees' computers have been on.
yes yes yes
CPU/GPU utilization
The report allows you to look at a detailed overview of the CPU and video card resource utilization.
yes yes yes
User time
User's activity for the day, their absences, lateness to work, favorite applications and websites, synchronization with Outlook calendar and ACS.
yes yes yes
A standard timesheet with the ability to display data on computer activity or ACS data. The report displays information on absences, tardiness, start/end of the workday and total time worked.
yes yes yes
Access Control Software detailing
The report shows the actual employee entries and exits according to the ACS data. The current version supports Sigur (Sphinx) ACS.
yes yes yes
Launching applications
You will be able to see in which applications and for how long an employee was actively working.
yes yes yes
Site monitoring sites
Report on the websites accessed by the employee.
yes yes yes
Input text (keylogger)
It is possible to intercept input text in all applications and websites.
yes yes yes
Input text (keylogger)
Transmit text from HTTPS sites.
yes yes yes
Input text (keylogger)
Transmit password input in applications to the database.
yes no no
Text, files and pictures in the clipboard.
yes yes yes
Search queries
Ability to view all search queries in various search engines, such as Google, etc.
yes yes yes
Supported browsers for site interception Google Chrome, Firefox, Firefox ESR, Internet Explorer, Chromium, Vivaldi, Yandex browser, Opera, Edge, Tor Google Chrome, Firefox, Firefox ESR, Internet Explorer, Chromium, Vivaldi, Yandex browser, Brave Google Chrome, Firefox, Firefox ESR, Internet Explorer, Chromium, Vivaldi, Yandex browser, Brave, Safari, Tor
Voice conversations
Interception and recording of voice conversations in Skype, Lync, Viber, Telegram, Bitrix Desktop, ICQ, Agent, Microsoft Teams, Zoom, Slack, Myteam, Cisco Webex Teams, WhatsApp Desktop, eXpress Desktop, VK Teams (Cloud) Desktop.
yes no no
Voice/Speech Recognition
Converting intercepted voice to text and displaying as a text file.
Native offline speech-to-text conversion engine (in addition to Google’s existing online one). For voice calls in messengers.
yes no no
Text messages in messengers
Telegram Desktop/Web, Skype, Microsoft Teams, WebSkype, Lync, Viber, Bitrix Desktop, BitrixWeb, Slack, Myteam, Cisco Webex Teams, WhatsApp Desktop/Web – all cases, corporate eXpress, VK Teams (Cloud) Desktop/Web, ICQ Desktop/Web, Yandex Messenger.
* For Linux/Mac, Cisco Webex Teams, enterprise eXpress are also included.
yes yes yes
Bitrix24 chat text messages
Interception of correspondence in Bitrix24 Desktop and on the site (cloud and corporate versions of Bitrix).
yes no no
Letters (e-mail) + attachments
Interception of incoming and outgoing emails (with attachments) for:
Microsoft Outlook – Exchange/IMAP/POP3/SMTP in all cases (with and without encryption);
IBM Lotus Notes – all outgoing mail;
Outlook Express, Thunderbird, Bat, Mail – POP3/SMTP (with and without encryption).
yes no no
Sending files to the Internet
Files sent via browser, email clients, Skype, Lync and popular messengers, FTP/FTPS. In all cases, files are intercepted and saved (with the option to block sending).
yes no no
File operations
Interception of file copying, deleting, transferring.
Shadow copying is possible when copying files to a flash drive. WebDav support.
* For Linux, copy operations, transfer to another disk partition are supported.
Without shadow copying of files.
yes yes no
Screenshot capture with many settings, including taking screenshots when switching windows, browser tabs.
yes yes yes
Video from screenshots
Generation of continuous video from screenshots for viewing via browser or media player.
yes yes yes
Print monitoring + cost
Ability to capture printed files in a spooler format and calculate the cost based on the set rate.
yes no no
Suspicious events
Recording in the report the events that you can configure yourself (launching applications, websites, text input).
* Linux only includes “Running forbidden Linux command” and “Possible client deletion” events
** MacOS only includes “Possible client deletion” event
yes yes yes
Information search by employee
Ability to search in the generated report with regard to the inaccurate word comparison algorithm.
yes yes yes
Recording from web cameras
Automatic recording of images from webcams employees’ machines and saving them on the server.
yes yes yes
Recording from microphones (wiretapping)
Ability to continuously record from microphones and save audio files on the server.
Ability to perform recording only when there is voice.
yes no no
Contacts Report
Ability to view the list of employee's contacts, with whom they have been communicating via email, Skype and chats.
yes no no
Liaison Graph Report
Visual display of the “Contacts” report as an easy-to-view graph.
yes no no
Online Users Report
Provides a visualized view of when certain users have been connected to the server.
yes yes yes
Geolocation of laptop locations on Google maps. Identification of external IP, country, city.
yes no no
Software installation count monitoring
Ability to see the number of installations of different software throughout the company to identify unlicensed software.
yes no no
Hardware and software monitoring
Shows changes in hardware composition on machines as well as installed/uninstalled software.
yes no no
File search
Report with automatic periodic search results for words, phrases and regular expressions in files on client machines.
yes no no
System status
Report includes important performance indicators of DBMS, servers, file storage, clients.
yes yes yes
SQL query-based report
Ability to build your own reports from the SQL database.
yes yes yes
DLP features
Protection against PC screen photos being taken by a smartphone while critical applications or websites are running.
yes no no
Voice DLP
Instant reaction to phrases/words spoken by an employee in voice conversations via Skype, Lync, Viber, Telegram, Bitrix Desktop, ICQ, Agent, Zoom, MS Teams, Slack, Myteam, Cisco Webex Teams, WhatsApp Desktop, eXpress Desktop, VK Teams (Cloud) Desktop, TrueConf Desktop, WeChat Desktop.
yes no no
Watermarks on images
Ability to apply hidden watermarks to PrintScreen images and the Scissors/Screen Snippet application for the purpose of their further identification upon discovery in public sources.
yes no no
DLP in documents
Opening, sending to the web, printing, copying to flash drive, copying to clipboard documents with keywords or phrases is accompanied by an event (or a ban).
Supports .docx, .xlsx, .odt, .ods, .sxw, .pptx, .odp, .txt, .csv, .pdf, .doc, .xls, .ppt, .rtf formats.
Inexact text search possible, search by templates: credit cards, contacts, custom regular expressions (RegExp PCRE).
yes no no
Outlook folder scanning
Performs scanning of Drafts/Meetings/Tasks folders for confidential attachments with an option to delete found files.
yes no no
Document labeling
Hidden labels in documents to safeguard them from being sent. Resaving, copying a part of the document is allowed (not for .pdf).
Source formats: pdf, docx, xlsx, pptx (option to re-save to OpenOffice formats: odt, ods, sx).
yes no no
Ban on full or partial sending of files
Ability to ban sending files via file-sharing sites, email sites and applications, chat rooms and social networks.
yes no no
Facial recognition, employee substitution status
If an employee at their workstation is replaced by another unauthorized person or another employee, the security officer will be immediately notified of this situation in the form of an event.
yes no no
Protection against webcam taping
If an employee covers or tapes the webcam, the system will lock their screen and generate a notification (when facial recognition is active).
yes no no
Protection of the workstation from an unauthorized person
If the facial recognition mechanism detects that another person is at the employee's workstation, the computer will be locked until the next login/password entry.
yes no no
Alerts in case of atypical user behavior
The software will notify the administrator if it detects atypical user behavior, such as copying, sending or deleting files, copying characters to the clipboard, opening browser tabs, etc. The number is configurable by the administrator.
yes no no
Digital file imprints
Supports digital file imprints for search and DLP operations.
yes no no
Screenshot text recognition (OCR)
Prohibit screenshots from being copied to the clipboard (if they contain important text data). Inaccurate text search is possible. Supports built-in offline OCR engine and online Abbyy OCR.
yes no no
Cryptocurrency wallet address tracking
Tracking of cryptocurrency wallet addresses in the buffer and their risk analysis with the possibility of blocking.
yes no no
Possibility to ban clipboard
Full ban.
yes yes yes
Ability to disable clipboard when Remote Desktop window is active yes no no
Ability to disable clipboard when copying from RDP session
Block copying an image/text from a remote RDP session to a local PC via clipboard.
yes no no
Ability to disable the PrintScreen key yes no no
Ability to exclude applications from interception/banning
(You can specify applications that will not be subject to clipboard bans and its monitoring).
yes no no
Ability to ban web sites
Ban browsers from accessing selected sites.
yes no no
Ability to deny FTP
Full ban on sending/receiving files via FTP protocol.
yes no no
Ability to deny network connections via WiFi/Bluetooth/USB modem yes no no
Ability to deny RDP
Ability to block incoming remote RDP connections to the computer.
yes no no
Ability to block USB devices
Ability to ban: camera/smartphone, removable disks, Bluetooth/WiFi/modem.
“White” lists, exceptions.
Generation of “USB device blocked” event when the blocking of the corresponding device is triggered.
yes no no
“Black” and “white” lists of applications
Ability to prohibit launching applications in accordance with the “black” and “white” lists.
* For Linux, only a “black” list is available
yes yes* no
Ability to ban flash disks
Ability to disallow recording or full access to removable media.
yes no no
Ban commands in Linux terminal
Ability to disallow selected commands in the Linux terminal.
no yes no
Client-server architecture
Client transmits data to the server to be stored in a database.
yes yes yes
Windows, Linux, MacOS
The client part is available in Windows, Linux and MacOS versions.
yes yes yes
Multiple server support
Software can operate in both multiple-servers mode and one central database.
yes yes yes
Additional IP address for connection to the server
It is possible to specify an additional external IP-address of the server for connection (it is convenient when employees take their laptops out of the office).
yes yes yes
Terminal server, thin client
Clients of the software suite are “thin,” i.e. all data processing is performed on the server, therefore there are no difficulties when the software suite operates in terminal sessions.
yes yes no
Operating in physical and virtual environments
Clients and server of the software can work both on physical and virtual machines.
yes yes yes
Local storage
If there is no connection with the server, the monitoring data will not be lost. It will be accumulated in the local database and guaranteed to be transmitted to the server after the connection is restored. Retrospective storage of local data is customizable. SQLite technology is used as the local database.
yes yes yes
Postponed monitoring
With a large number of client machines, it does not always make sense to collect data from all clients. When postponed monitoring is enabled, the data is sent to the server on request from selected machines.
yes no no
Traffic limitation
Ability to limit traffic from clients to the server when there are high traffic flows and multiple connections.
yes no no
Remote (hidden) installation
It is possible to install the client on remote machines in a hidden mode so that the employees do not detect the installation process.
yes yes no
Domain users
You can build reports on domain users both for all machines they worked on in total and for specific machines.
yes no no
Data traffic encryption
Client-server channel is encrypted.
yes yes yes
IPv6 support
Operating on both IPv4 and IPv6 networks.
yes yes yes
Personalized work schedules for employees
Ability to assign personalized work schedules to an employee or a group of employees specifying days off, start/end of workday, breaks, including flexible/fixed schedule, round-the-clock. Ability to add holidays, pre-holiday days, personal vacations, sick days.
yes yes yes
Built-in dictionaries
A set of built-in dictionaries of various subjects for automatic evaluation of an employee's work and its appropriate categorization. It is also possible to to use the list of government banned sites.
yes yes yes
Search engine for text in files on client machines
Powerful multifunctional search engine with multiple options for indexing content of files on client machines (including multi-level, password-protected archives).
yes no no
Integration with ACTIVE DIRECTORY
Automatic installation on groups of machines
Synchronization of client installations/uninstallations with AD computer groups.
yes no no
Other features
Covert and open monitoring
The way you choose to monitor your employees is up to you.
yes yes yes
Outsourced mode of operation
In this mode, employees themselves can switch the monitoring on or off.
yes no no
Protection against button sticking
Users will not be able to imitate activity by jamming buttons on the keyboard.
yes no no
“Panic button”
Ability to quickly shut down or lock down all computers, or execute a script on the server by a command via Telegram messenger.
yes no no
Selective monitoring
The ability to monitor “only these” or “all but these” users of the computer(s).
yes no no
Computer shutdown outside of a specified time interval yes yes yes
Protection of the client part of the software complex from deletion yes yes yes

Client (Linux): Astra, CentOS, Debian, Mint, Ubuntu, Rosa, RED OS

Client (MacOS): El Capitan, Sierra, High Sierra, Mojave, Catalina, Big Sur, Monterey, Ventura 

Client (Windows): XP(SP3)/2003/Vista/Win7/2008/Win8/2012/Win10/11/2016 and later (32/64-bit)