8 Remote Work Podcasts To Boost Your Productivity

11/11/2020, 3650 views
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8 Remote Work Podcasts To Boost Your Productivity

The remote worker's life is filled with challenges and opportunities. Severed from traditional work-weeks you’re free to fill your time as you please - but sometimes productivity and motivation can be hard to find. Whether you’re short on time or have time to kill, podcasts are a great way to learn whilst you’re on the go. These are the best podcasts for remote workers.

1) Quick and Dirty Tips

This is the perfect podcast for anyone looking to optimize any element of their lives as it provides actionable advice in a super accessible format. With a range of experts on everything from fitness to grammar via psychology, these podcasts can be squeezed into any free moment and they’re guaranteed to teach you something new.

Recent episodes about the health properties of echinacea and how to save for a house deposit have been inspiring, and there’s so much more where that came from with a deep archive available online.

2) The Accidental Creative

The Accidental Podcast is, at its heart, a show about how productivity and creativity are intimately linked. “By tapping into your creative nature, you’ll see your productivity skyrocket,” says Sheila Lopez, an editor at Essayroo and Do My Paper. “The episodes offer fascinating narratives of those who have been able to lead creative lives and it’s packed full of smart takeaways that will see you investing in your creative side.”

The recent episode with Seth Godin exploring how discipline leads to success was highly informative. Get inspired today.

3) This Is Your Life

Michael Hyatt’s podcast is devoted to the topic of leadership in all its forms so if you’re managing remote workers this is the podcast for you. He explores all the challenges that come with leading in the modern world and seeks to share the knowledge of what makes a great leader through this podcast.

So whether you’re looking for employee monitoring software such as Kickidler or new tips for finding more productivity from your team, Hyatt’s got you covered.

4) Getting Things Done

Productivity guru David Allen has written a range of books about optimizing your life and now comes a series of podcasts that will supercharge your working day. Remote workers often report that one of the main challenges in working outside the office is motivation - Allen has a huge toolkit from which you can draw to get more done in the time you have.

Allen’s podcast focuses on his tried-and-tested method of GTD as well as featuring interviews with a number of people who can speak from experience - the method works.

5) Back To Work

Hosts Merlin Mann and Dan Benjamin bring great energy to this podcast discussing all things in the world of work and you’ll find yourself listening as much for the pleasure of hearing these guys’ back-and-forth as for the insight. Insight, however, is something it has in spades and every episode explores communication, productivity and the contemporary tools that let us do our jobs.

Recent episodes exploring productivity strategies and the value of lists have been full of actionable advice you can apply to your life instantly. Back To Work is always worth a listen.

6) Beyond The To-Do List

In Beyond The To-Do List, host Eric Fisher takes you through a range of tips and tricks that will let you mold your life around productivity and take the steps towards success. Fisher isn’t all about empty advice that lets you fit more into your day, however - he recognizes that productivity must have a goal, and for Fisher it’s about how you find and create meaning in your own life.

The interview episodes often get deep into the relationship between productivity and meaning as Fisher hosts experts from every field. Listening to the advice that successful individuals have to offer will inspire you to further your own career.

7) The 5 AM Miracle

If you struggle getting started in the morning, the 5AM Miracle is for you, and even if you spring out of bed ready for the day you’ll have something to learn from host Jeff Sanders energetic commentary on the world of work.

“Sanders offers actionable advice in bitesize formats that makes it really easy to apply it to your own life,” says says Bryan Contreras, a manager at Do My Assignment and OXessays. “Each episode contains a list of steps to take if you want to build his advice into your working day.”

Plug In

Podcasts are a great way to learn whilst on-the-go. Get the earbuds in and take steps to a better, more productive lifestyle with these fantastic podcasts.

BIO: Katherine Rundell is a remote worker and writer at Write My Essay and Do My Homework. She has been working to promote alternative work practices throughout her career and has always sought balance between her personal and professional life. She is also a manager at Custom Essay writing service.

Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software

11/11/2020, 3650 views
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