Recording of employees' activity and playback of history on the computer. What is this function necessary for?
Recording of employees' activity and playback of history on the computer. What is this function necessary for?
11/22/2018, 4300 views
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This article will tell you about the function of recording user's actions on the computer (video recording from the screens of employees) and history playback, what it is necessary for and how it is used by our clients.
Many systems of accounting of working hours and monitoring of personnel have the function of recording the users' actions at the computer. Some programs keep account of the sites that have been visited and the keys that have been pressed, others occasionally make screenshots of the desktop, other, more advanced ones, record full video from the screens of employees, capturing all activity of the users.
Our system of control of employees Kickidler records video of all activity of personnel on the computers with frame rate up to 30 frames/sec. (by default – 1 frame/sec.) and with a period of storage on the server up to 1 year. The special filter realized in our program allows the observer to look at the history of actions of the employee, having sorted it only by interaction with a certain website or a program.
Why is it necessary to “write down all the moves” of the employees and is it necessary just for the increase in discipline and control of work – or are there any advantages for the specialists? Read about all that in our post.
Correction of mistakes, increase in employees' efficiency
A client of ours shared a successful case on use of video recording of employee's activity at the computer.
A content manager spent 4 hours on average to add 50 positions to the catalog on the website. It was necessary to urgently optimize the work of the specialist, seeing how the task required the most immediate solution. During the review of the video from the screen, it was revealed that the employee did not use the hot keys when he was working with photos, and that significantly slowed down the process of adding product cards in the catalog. The audit that had been conducted made it possible to increase the work productivity of this specialist up to 80 positions in the same time.
Video recording from the screens of the employees allows to not only increase the efficiency of certain employees, but also optimize the interaction between departments. Earlier we've described a case where a certain client of ours was able to improve communication between departments with the help of browsing the history of activity.
Inquiry into incidents
Another client of ours manages a bookmaker office. Personal computer screens of employees who are engaged in bets reception and calculation are constantly recorded. It is the necessary need so that the employees aren't tempted “to cheat the system”, for example, to cancel the losing bet of their “accomplice”.
When the situations that cause suspicion emerge, detailed review of all actions of the operators is carried out in our client's company. And it is not paranoia of the management, but the need dictated by specifics of the business.
Kickidler system that writes down all actions of the employees is almost impossible to deceive, therefore, among other things our system deprives the employees of temptation “to cross the line”.
Screenshot 1: Reviewing the history of actions on the computer with the help of Kickidler
Viewing the history of the visited websites
Let's say you've found out with the help of the monitoring program that your employee has visited the job-searching website 8 times. Each visit took exactly 1 minute.
Yet visiting the website about job search is not a 100% verification that the employee is thinking of job change. It is quite possible that he was just reading an article or looking for information that could be necessary for his current work.
With the help of monitoring program Kickidler you will spend exactly 8 minutes to make sure that your employee was really looking for work. Or, on the contrary, wasn't looking for it.
How can it be done? All you have to do is use the filter on the website (for example,, and our program will show all history of the employee's interactions with this resource.
Prevention of information leaks
We should make a disclaimer that the employee monitoring system is just one of the tools that can help find the “mole” inside the team.
But are SIEM and DLP systems a panacea from information leaks? Or can surveillance cameras, implementation of which is much more expensive, help? Without a doubt, the answer is no! It is possible to find a lot of information on vulnerabilities of DLP and SIEM on the web, and surveillance cameras are physically incapable to monitor the things an employee does on the computer.
However, in combination with EMS (that is, Employee Monitoring Software) these means can guarantee nearly 100% protection of the confidential information.
The analysis of the employees' actions that get recorded along with other actions can become quite a sufficient key to detection of the insider.
Search of the lost information
One more useful function of video recording users' activity on the personal computer is a search of the lost information, such as passwords, logins, program settings.
Screenshot 2: Saving the video in the WEBM format
Why the functionality of the employee control program Kickidler is unique and has no analogs?
The system of control of the employees and accounting of working hours Kickidler has unique functionality of recording users' activity on the personal computer.
- All video files are stored on the server in the special compressed program format that, first, prevents unauthorized access, and second, saves disk space.
- Video is stored in the indexed database that allows to use a filter on these videos to search for the necessary fragment in a more convenient way.
- Essentially, the filter on titles of the websites and applications allows to see a video of an employee's actions on the personal computer regarding the interaction with a certain website, file with that title or a program.