Some nonstandard ways to use Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software

08/15/2018, 3275 views
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Some nonstandard ways to use Kickidler Employee Monitoring Software

Our customers are heads and top managers of small, medium and large businesses from different spheres, countries and even continents. It’s no wonder that the ways of using our Remote Control and Employee Monitoring Software are often very different. The main singularity of Remote Control for Kickidler Employees is that it can be customized and adapted to the needs of almost any business.

We have collected some examples of nonstandard usage of Kickidler Software from our clients that showed real ingenuity. We hope it will be interesting for you to learn about the hidden features of our software!

Welcome to watch video and optimize your business

There has been an unusual request for help the representatives of an insurance company addressed to us. They didn’t need Remote Control but they wished to optimize their business recording video from their colleagues' desktops.

The matter is there was a multi-level procedure for interaction through Diasoft system established between the regional branches of the company and the employees of the underwriting department from the central office. Both departments complained about the labor intensity and intricacy of the system that moreover took a lot of time. 

Video recording option from Kickidler computer monitors made it possible to record the employees’ activity from the screens of central office employees engaged in underwriting and the employees of the branches dealing with sales and losses settlement by sorting them out by activity in Diasoft. Based on the results of the analysis of the watched videos there were duplication of work and excessive bureaucracy revealed in the documents reconciliation.

If it were not for out Sofrware the company would have to arrange an internal cross-functional training for employees of these departments that would cost a lot of money and resulted employee violation.

Manage the staff of remote translators

They called us from a translation agency but not to offer their services. The management of the agency decided to optimize the process of interaction with remote translators with the amount of approximately 70% of the staff in the company.

Our future customers liked the Quadrator option that is the monitoring of computers online. It allows operatively watching remote employees are currently at the workplace in order to charge one of tham a request and to define time-bounds for the client.

There was grabber installed in open mode to the computers of all employees of the company working on outsourcing. They could it both turn on before start working and turn off at the end of the working day.

The whole procedure is quite simple: you open the viewer, watch the employees are currently at the workplace, look in the scheduling, choose the most inactive one and charge him the request. It so easy!

The implementation of our Software has increased the speed of communication with freelancers and the number of positive feedbacks about the company.

«I didn’t do anything, but everything is gone» or it’s about remote employees once more

One of our longtime clients has told us about one more interesting way to use the Kickidler Software. They have been already using our program at that time and made up their minds to expand the range of its skills. There were some accountants in the group of companies of our customer working on outsourcing as their services were required from time to time. The accountants had access to the terminal server through RDP (Remote Desktop Protocol). As there were several faults in SAP when someone of remote employees "did nothing", the management decided to record all the processes of interaction with the terminal server. It helped not only to identify the culprit of the failure but also to restore the system fast by checking the logs and determining the stage the error had been committed.

We are waiting forward for your new interesting stories!

08/15/2018, 3275 views
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