Why Do I Need To Remote Access To The Computers Of Employees?
- Remote support – to resolve problems arising on employees’ computers whether they be located in a different part of the office or in a different city
- Remote maintenance – to easily install software updates and make changes to operating system settings and applications
This feature can be turned off in settings.

What Can I Do With Kickidler?
- Control employee PC remotely, for example, remotely manage the keyboard and mouse
- Work together with the employee or block the mouse and keyboard as you work on their computer
- View the clipboard
- Transfer files between the administrator’s and employee’s computers
- For remote computer tracking, that is, recording videos of an employee’s computer desktop and viewing his history of work activities

How Does The Remote Connection Work?
- Grabber, a piece of software which allows remote management, must be installed on every employee’s computer.
- The server then stores information about the employees and manages the connections to their PCs.
- The system administrator or technical support staff use the viewer program to connect to remote employees’ computers – they need only to select a person from the list of employees and a connection will be established.

Why Makes Kickidler Better Than Other Programs To Control Employee Pc Remotely?
Imagine this situation: an employee has changed operating system or application settings, or has modified data in CRM, ERP or Excel, but cannot remember exactly what he did. He asks someone in the IT department to help him recover the original settings or rollback to older data. Without Kickidler software to monitor computer use, you would need to spend a long time targeting and reviewing computer logs or restoring settings and data from a backup.
With Kickidler software to monitor computer use, you will have a recording of the employee’s actions. All you will need to do is watch the video recorded during the time period in question and you will see for yourself what changes the user made. The choice is yours: a few hours analyzing logs or a few minutes watching videos.

How Much Space Is Required For The Recorded Video?
The videos are stored in the database using a unique format that consumes a small amount of disk space yet provides high quality.
Recording the workday of one employee will take up an average of 1.2 GB
You can decide how many days of staff activity you wish to record. By default, this is one work week. Thus, you will require an average of 6 GB of disk space per employee per week.
Recording 100 employees of the will take up about 600 GB per week.
A 3-terabyte hard drive cost only $100.